3.2.5 Welding. All heater parts that are exposed to combustion gases during normal
operation shall be welded, as applicable, in accordance with AWS B2.1 (see 4.5.1).
3.2.6 Sealant. All sealing threaded fittings in the heater's fuel circuit or threads utilizing
a locking compound shall be sealed or locked, with a suitable single component compound.
Compound's grade shall be selected so that its strength shall not result in part damage upon
disassembly for repair (see 4.5.1).
3.2.7 Prohibited materials. Asbestos, cadmium, and radioactive materials shall not be
used in this item. Radioactive material is defined by Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
Title 10, Parts 30 and 40, and other radioactive material in which the specific activity is greater
than 0.002 microcuries per gram or the activity per item equals or exceeds 0.01 microcuries
(see 4.5.1).
3.3 Design and construction. The design and construction of the heaters shall be in
accordance with heater manufacturer's standards. Heaters shall conform to the envelope
dimensions and interfaces as shown on the applicable drawing (see table I) or in figures 1 or 2 as
applicable (see 4.4.2, 4.5.1, 4.5.2 and 6.2).
TABLE I. Applicable drawings.
Drawing number Air inlets
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